
May 31 2023

New IRU Intelligence Platform features

The IRU Intelligence Platform – the central information hub for road transport available exclusively to IRU members – collects and centralises field data from IRU members and external sources, optimising data analysis, trend forecasting and journey planning.

Its collaborative features allow data optimisation and exchange of best practices among the IRU network – from interactive data sets on hot topics to infographics on operational information.

Some of the Intelligence Platform’s most popular services include the annual global driver shortage surveyjourney planning informationfuel prices, and Flash Info reports.


New feature 1 – CNG fuel prices


The Intelligence Platform’s Fuel Prices feature now also provides the price of compressed natural gas (CNG) per country (Europe only for now). 

Prices are updated weekly and available in both kilograms and Diesel Litre Equivalent, allowing for easy price comparison between diesel and CNG.

For diesel, the average price per litre is available for over 65 countries and with up to 10 years of historical data. IRU members can choose up to five countries to compare and select currencies. Key indicators summarise the evolution of the selected prices.


New feature 2 – Journey Restrictions Planner


IRU members can now view all driving restrictions along a trip by simply entering the departure and destination points and dates into the Journey Restrictions Planner.

All driving restrictions are displayed on an interactive map, which is accompanied by a single page of information containing special dates, weekly fuel prices and relevant Flash Info reports. Read more


Source: IRU