Jul 26 2022
ACEA, CLECAT, ESPORG and UETR sent a joint letter to the Commissioner for Transport Mrs. Adina Vălean presenting proposals for the full and efficient use of the available EU funding for safe and secure truck parking areas in Europe.
The Associations ponted out
four areas which need to be urgently addressed in a partnership between theEuropeanCommissionservices and the industry:
a) firstly, a dedicated joint large promotional campaign should be urgently organized toreachallinterestedpartiesacrossEuropeanddrasticallyincreasethenumberofgoodapplicationsforEUco-funding;
b) secondly, the quality of the applications must be radically improved, via targetedtrainingsandadvisoryservices,tobeprovidedtointerestedapplicants,bytheindustryitself;
c) inaddition,targetedmodificationsoftheselectioncriteriashouldbeurgentlyintroduced, such as the inclusion of the comprehensive network in the eligibilitycriteria.
d) Promoting synergies between TEN-T and TEN-E by enabling additional co-fundingopportunitiesforhigh-capacitychargingstationsandingeneralforthedeploymentofalternativefuels infrastructure for HGV on SSTPAs.
The objective would be, possibly already at the second funding round in September thisyear, but importantly in the next funding round in September 2023, to radically increasethe number and improve the quality of applications, so that the entire amount of EU funding available for SSTPAs is allocated to projects both under the general and cohesion envelops.
The letter is available here.
Source: UETR