
Apr 22 2021

Logistics Lobby Speaks Out as UK Government Commits to Cleaner Air by 2035

UK – Despite what would seem initially a paradox, the freight and logistics sector has wholeheartedly backed the drive to reduce the transport industry's emissions. The reasons of course are not entirely magnanimous. The commitment is driven by factors such as customer demand, all businesses wishing to present a cleaner image to the world, and the fact that retooling the industry might actually lead to newer equipment and higher profits.


As shipping lines and shipbuilders along with hauliers and truck makers seek cleaner transport modes, the transport lobby has spoken on UK government commitments made this week to cut emissions by 78%, compared to 1995 levels, by the year 2035. Announcing the intentions Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:


”We want to continue to raise the bar on tackling climate change, and that’s why we’re setting the most ambitious target to cut emissions in the world. The UK will be home to pioneering businesses, new technologies and green innovation as we make progress to net zero emissions, laying the foundations for decades of economic growth in a way that creates thousands of jobs.


”We want to see world leaders follow our lead and match our ambition in the run up to the crucial climate summit COP26, as we will only build back greener and protect our planet if we come together to take action.” Read more