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To reduce road accidents in Cameroon, Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, IRU is providing a comprehensive defensive driver training framework to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
The UN Refugee Agency operates a global fleet of over 6,000 light vehicles.
International and local staff members as well as partner organisations rely on UNHCR’s fleet and drivers to conduct vital humanitarian road missions, often to remote and rural locations.
IRU has developed a tailored training programme, based on internationally recognised standards, adapted to the local context and operational framework of each country and mission. The training services include special courses for trainers, pre-training knowledge tests, post-training assessments, and defensive training skills for complex environments.
Road crashes constitute a major threat to the health and safety of UNHCR personnel, implementing partners, affected people and populations, and local communities. Accidents also challenge UNHCR’s ability to deliver its vital life-saving programmes.
The overall objective of the project is to enhance road safety in the four African countries, with a broader ambition to scale up training across the region. Read more
Source: IRU