Jan 18 2017
UK – The speech by Prime Minister Theresa May yesterday concerning the British government’s position on Brexit and confirmation that her government would proceed with plans to withdraw Britain from the European Union has alleviated concerns from ‘Leave’ advocates that that she intends to follow through on the referendum results and set out some of the basic agenda for the negotiations that will entail. However, the lack of solid details has alarmed some parties in the UK’s freight and logistics industry as they continue to be concerned about how quitting will the EU will affect their members.
The Freight Transport Association (FTA), the UK’s largest transport trade association with around 16,000 members, said that it supports the Prime Minister’s vision of Britain’s likely future relationship with the UK’s European and global trading partners. The FTA said that it ‘…welcomes her commitment to “tariff-free and frictionless trade” with the European Union and to ambitious free trade agreements with other partners globally. Her statement allows the FTA to identify where the new “friction points” in international trade could occur and work with the government to negotiate the best possible outcome for UK businesses’.
The FTA also pointed out that the reliance of the UK road transport industry on EU nationals who work as drivers, warehouse operatives and in other key roles across the sector meant that the continued ability of the freight industry to employ and recruit these key workers was essential to their future business success and that the FTA would be seeking assurances that the government recognises and accommodates the essential needs of the logistics sector. Read more