Iteco 2013
Holland Transport


13 Feb 2017

Freight delivery drone is only logistics linked project in finals for prestigious award


Successful swiss trials provide proof of concept.


DUBAI – US – SWITZERLAND – There has been considerable interest over the last few years into the potential use of autonomous drones, flying or otherwise, being used in the field of logistics, with some companies already delivering critical medical supplies to remote areas and even experiments currently ongoing with a robot system that will deliver goods direct to your door from a van. Now one developer of air freight delivery drones has been recognised for its work by being shortlisted as a finalist for a prestigious award that will see the winner walk away with a $1 million prize.


San Jose based Skycart is being recognised for the successful trial its delivery system ran with Swiss Post and are now one of ten finalists in the UAE Drones for Good Awards, which is designed to encourage developers to apply drone technology in innovative ways to solve issues. Their product is the only one involved in standard logistics deliveries, with the others largely being involved in humanitarian works. Read more








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